Premium living room TV0904 wallpaper

Original price was: KSh1,500.00.Current price is: KSh1,200.00.

1 roll.
Has a vinyl matte finish.
Has a size of 10m by 0.53m. NB: (A normal apartment wall can take 2 to 3 rolls)1 roll.
It’s not self-adhesive

SKU: PLRTV Category:

One of the most elegant and classy wallpaper is this piece. Coming in a simple and elegant finish, this wallpaper is just ideal to paste in your office spaces, business corporate rooms, and also in your living areas. It’s minimalistic in appearance and will need you to have a glue to purchase it. Add to cart now and we will deliver to your doorstep.

With a variety of more than 1000+ wallpaper designs, we give you a variety to choose from. This wallpaper is not self-adhesive therefore it will need glue to paste it. One packet of glue can paste up to 5 rolls effectively. At Kejani, we are endowed with qualified fundis and we can give you assistance to paste the wallpaper at your premises at Ksh. 500 extra. Our wallpaper prices are standard for a roll of interior wallpaper.

Click here to purchase your glue.

